
On November 20, 2022, we covenanted together as a church family with 28 adults and 14 children. From the beginning, our heart has been to see people come to faith in Christ, to be a pillar of gospel hope in our community, and to help one another grow in maturity in Christ. The Greensboro/Brown Summit area is beautifully diverse, filled with people from various cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. With God's help, our desire is to reach as many as possible with the good news of Jesus.

We believe our city needs more healthy, gospel-preaching churches that are committed to sound doctrine, meaningful membership, faithful exposition of God’s Word, missional urgency, authentic community, intentional discipleship, and gospel-driven hospitality.

At our core, we are a family of broken but redeemed sinners, striving to help others follow Jesus. Together, we exist to glorify God by helping people move from brokenness to wholeness through the transforming power of the gospel.