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Every local church has its own culture and values. We don’t seek to be distinct from other churches, but instead we desire to share in common what faithful churches for centuries have upheld. The below priorities are not meant to be neat-sounding formulas to display on our website. These are convictions taken from scripture that we desire to cultivate, maintain, and defend for the good of our people and the glory of God. We pray that with God’s help, these priorities will reverberate throughout the life of our church.

Gospel Fluency
May we never outgrow the wonder of God’s redeeming grace that saves and transforms us! We want to be people who understand the message of the gospel and its implications for every aspect of life.

Kingdom Diversity
We desire to be a faith family that reflects the beauty, creativity, and wisdom of God in how He has gathered people from every ethnicity and socioeconomic background to proclaim His glory. We hope to be a multigenerational, multicultural church family that gives the surrounding world a glimpse of what heaven will be like (Revelation 7:9). We cannot manufacture this type of compelling community in our own power therefore, it is a unity in diversity that we pray for and humbly and sacrificially pursue.

Deep Discipleship
We intentionally help others follow Jesus as we follow Jesus. That is the heart of discipleship. We work towards a culture in which the whole church discipling the whole church is normal. Gospel-empowered humility and transparency are what we’re after as we share our lives with others. We don’t hide behind a mask and pretend we have it all together. We’re all broken sinners ministering to other broken sinners in need of God’s mercy and grace. Discipleship is not a program or a curriculum it’s a lifestyle of intentional love, hospitality, counsel, and service, joyfully bearing one another burdens. We are a family, and as a family, we actively take responsibility for one another by helping every member mature in Christ.

Intentional Simplicity
We love and support people, not programs. We are not a programmatic church with a state-of-the-art worship experience. We certainly value God-glorifying excellence in all we do. However, we intentionally elevate a culture of discipling, hospitality, and evangelism rather than a cluster of church programs. Our leaders and members are seeking to produce disciples, not religious consumers. Our faith family will certainly benefit from some programs in our church life, but they will always be secondary to and in support of the overall culture of discipleship we’re striving to build and maintain. Members taking personal responsibility to serve, love, and disciple one another will always take priority.

Great Commission Urgency
We exist to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commission, making disciples both locally and globally. God is the original missionary gathering a people for his glory from every tribe, tongue, and nation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We join God in His plan of redemption. With God’s help, we will share the gospel in our local communities, start new churches locally, help revitalize churches, and partner with others to start gospel-preaching churches in other countries. This means that we will be willing to joyfully send members of our faith family to do gospel ministry.

Family Reformation
We desire to promote family reformation by equipping husbands, wives, and parents to fulfill their God-ordained roles in the home. As a church, we aim to come alongside families, offering support and encouragement as they walk in obedience to God’s design. We do this by focusing on two categories that shape the family:

1) Marriage: Marriage is a precious gift from God, designed to mirror the covenantal love between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:22-33). We are committed to equipping husbands to lead and serve their wives with Christlike humility, love, and sacrifice, stewarding their God-given responsibility to foster the flourishing of their families as they imitate their heavenly Father (Ephesians 5:1). Likewise, we seek to encourage wives to honor God by joyfully supporting their husbands with respect and a heart of submission. Our desire is to help couples build strong, Christ-centered marriages rooted in mutual love, respect, and faithfulness. Through intentional discipleship and practical resources, we strive to help husbands and wives embrace their God-given roles and reflect the gospel in their union.

2) Parenting: Parenting is a sacred calling, entrusted to parents by God as they raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). We desire to come alongside parents, equipping them to disciple their children with biblical truth and gospel-centered love. Our goal is not to replace the family or encourage parents to hand over their God-given responsibilities to “ministry professionals,” but to partner with families in their efforts. By complementing the discipleship taking place in the home, we aim to foster a culture where parents feel empowered and encouraged to raise the next generation in the knowledge and fear of the Lord.

Word-Centered Ministry
Everything we do is centered around God’s sufficient, authoritative, and inspired word. We value the public ministry of the word through expositional preaching. This means that in our preaching, we expose God’s word to God’s people. The main point of the text is the main point of our sermons. Like the apostle Paul, we seek to give our people the full counsel of God by preaching verse by verse through books of the Bible (Acts 20:27). Though there is a place for topical sermons, the main diet of Redeemer is expositionally working through books of the Bible. The Scriptures are foundational to our preaching, teaching, doctrine, ecclesiology, and evangelism.

We also value the personal ministry of the word by way of Christ-centered biblical counseling and discipling relationships. We believe that the Bible provides sufficient guidance and instruction for all of the issues of faith and life. Through the personal ministry of the Word, we seek to help people apply the truths of Scripture to their lives. We also believe that through the Spirit, God empowers his Word to bear fruit in people's lives for their good and for His glory.